
You’ve met our Interconnectivity Map as Manual (or download it here). Now use our InterConnectivity Cards as Cartography here!

From the smallest parts of parts of parts of atoms, to cities, species, constellations, and the multiverse of which our universe & many more are still just parts - this 1-meter map and 100-card deck show where You Are Here, & how it’s all connected. Instead of only showing things, it shows what connects parts into wholes at every step. Connecting is creating, so it’s also instructions for making everything, ever.


The images above show several things we recognize by their outlines - lines that may not even physically exist, yet create the things from their parts: a Feynman diagram of subatomic interactions; a molecule of trans 1,3-dimethylcyclohexane, a family tree, the city of Barcelona and Burning Man’s Black Rock City; the constellation of Orion, and the first sketch of ARPANET (the seed of the internet). Even things for which we lack a map, like religions are metaphorically, literally, and etymologically about binding things together. These things would not be things at all without the invisible connections and interactions. They would be different things from the ones we know, if those connections were any different from how they actually are.

Inspired by the breathtaking short, Powers of 10, &Interconnectivity is therefore not about things, but relationships & interactions that allow every-thing to exist. Electromagnetism and gravity, duct tape and superglue, family bonds and political ties - all of these have properties and abilities that determine how the world works. Understanding &Interconnectivity will permanently flip your perspective on reality, as you no longer see groups of things, but just the arrangements of sequences of patterns of interactions that are all that’s really there.

Click here to begin.